This year we used, an online Secret Santa Generator, for some hybrid holiday cheer. Elfster is a free, simple way to set up an online gift exchange for your friends, family, or coworkers.
Less work: As the person setting up the exchange, I didn’t want to do any work, so this was for me! I was able to set a spending max, send a link via email, teams, or social media to anyone that wants to participate and set a date to RSVP by.
Hybrid teams: Our office has a mix of in-person and remote team members that opted to participate in the gift exchange and for those of us that work further away, we are easily able to shop online and ship gifts to the office. For those celebrating in-person, we can do things the old-fashioned way, by also shopping online.
Wishlist: One of Elfster’s best features is that everyone was able to create a wish list by choosing from brands, stores, trending gifts or sorting by price. We are also able to add custom wish list items with our own links, photos, sizes, and preferences.
The bottom line: Elfster is turning out to be a great platform for our group to connect without the awkward water cooler whispers about who got stuck with who and what they would want. And this year, I know I will not receive a cinnamon & rosemary candle that someone mistakenly thinks I would enjoy wafting around my home because as they can see, it is not on my Elfster wish list.
P.S. from the team (self-described peanut gallery)
Forced fun is not fun – keep it optional. Like really optional, not the behind-the-scenes shame kind of optional.
Keep the maximum $ amount low. Very few people have extra cash.
Make it non-denominational – anyone can participate!