The ONE Reason You Should Support IAPAC

Contributing to the Independent Agents Political Action Committee (IAPAC) is one of the most impactful things you can do for the profession that you love. It all comes down to one thing. The most important thing. Without this, nothing else matters.


Every day you help people protect what matters most to them. But what are you doing to protect the future of your agency? Your career? The business we all love so dearly?

IAPAC exists to protect you. As a non-partisan political action committee, its singular purpose is to support the election of state candidates who support our profession.

You know Big I NY has your back, fighting against unfair mandates and regulations, fighting to make it easier to get your customers the best coverage, and fighting to protect the health of our market. When we win, you win. Your customers win. New Yorkers win.

We need to raise $3,040 by next Tuesday to hit our fiscal year fundraising goal. You’re an expert on protecting what matters most. You know what to do!

$10   $25    $50

$99   $250  $500

$1,000    $2,500
