Can Someone Who Doesn’t Own the Home Be a Named Insured on a Homeowners Policy?

​Question from a BINY member: “We had an insured who called yesterday to add her boyfriend/domestic partner to her homeowners policy as a named insured. My first reaction was that cannot be done as the boyfriend has no financial interest in the home which I explained. They pushed the issue and kept telling me it could be done (per another agent). I called our company underwriter who advised – you can add a domestic partner as a named insured to a homeowners policy. How is this okay if the second named insured has zero financial interest in the home and is not on the deed?…

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Are you Team Sue or Team Terri?

​Want to have fun golfing at Go Big without the pressure of pulling together a foursome? Then join Team Sue (Keegan) or Team Terri (Yates)!Team Sue promises a break from insurance talk and lots of chat on music, true crime, books, and shows. Her golf vibe: she can hold her own but won't judge you. She will probably be judging the team ahead of you though.Team Terri promises fun, laughter, sarcasm, and fresh air. Her golf vibe: we're in it for fun, not to win (and we likely won't). High skill not required.No matter which team you choose, you'll spend the morning laughing and having fun because…

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Kemper To Rescind Retroactive Cancellation Thanks to Big I NY Advocacy

Important Update from President & CEO, Lisa LounsburyLast week, Kemper Insurance notified many agents that their producer and agency agreements were terminated, retroactive to October 1, 2023. Big I NY immediately responded by alerting the NYSDFS of this unfair and troubling action. NYSDFS investigated and subsequently compelled Kemper to rescind the changes, restoring all producer and agency agreements.  We spoke to Kemper Insurance and they confirmed that they will be restoring agency appointments back to October 1, 2023.  They also reiterated that agents are able to continue servicing their clients by contacting the Kemper underwriting department.  The NYSDFS is working with Kemper on the agent communication that…

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