Winter Cheer 2019

Wow!! - What a great time everyone had at TRI-COUNTY's "Winter Cheer" event held on Feb. 11th at K-Pacho in New Hyde Park. Tasty hors d’oeuvres and plenty of drinks were enjoyed by all at the Cocktail Hour, while listening to live music and being entertained by Strolling Magicians performing Jaw-Dropping close-up magic. Kingstone Insurance Company, our honoree, was then recognized as the "Insurance Company of the Year", and the accompanying award was presented to them. A wide ranging delicious Dinner Buffet was served, followed by a fun filled Stage Show of Magic and Mentalism, and more superb live music. Networking was happening throughout the…

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NYSIF to Accept Big I Third Party Questionnaire for Cybersecurity Due Diligence

We are pleased to announce that Big I NY and the New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) have collaborated to make the third party due diligence process required by New York’s cyber regulation as simple and effective as possible. It is anticipated that NYSIF will accept the completed questionnaire as sufficient to satisfy due diligence on an agent in majority of situations. They may request additional information from agents in cases where they deem it necessary. Additionally, NYSIF will complete the questionnaire for itself and make it available to assist agents in conducting their own due diligence.  We would like to thank NYSIF for soliciting…

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