Big I Tri-County Wins Stack the PAC Challenge

Watch: Scott Hobson announces winner of Stack the PAC.​Big I Tri-County comes out on top in the first ever Stack the PAC competition. The competition encourages the local associations to raise money for IAPAC (Independent Agents Political Action Committee). IAPAC is a non-partisan committee established to help protect the industry by supporting the election of state candidates who understand the importance of our profession.Big I Tri-County had 44.4% of its members participate to raise $12,000. In addition to bragging rights, Tri-County takes home a pretty awesome trophy. Source

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Fight an Existential Threat to our Profession: Join us for Single Payer Action Week!

New York lawmakers are currently considering the passage of a massive government takeover of health insurance. The numbers for the New York Health Act, which would enact a single-payer healthcare system, are staggering: more than 160,000 jobs eliminated; $253 billion in new taxes on employers and workers (more than double the entire state budget); business tax increases of over 2,000%.It is no understatement: single payer is an existential threat to our profession. We and a diverse coalition of allies have successfully held this devastating bill at bay for years, but the threat is growing. In the wake of a historic leftward shift in the Senate…

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