On the 1st Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave To Me … COVID

​Over the last few work days, we've gotten a number of calls from members reporting that at least one staff member has contracted COVID-19. I spoke on Friday with the principal of a five-person agency who (test results pending) suspected as many as four people had the virus. ​Our office coordinator has reported a lot of calls coming in. Jim Lombardo, our education czar, has been on the phone with a member about this already this morning.Folks, if this didn't feel real to you before, it should now.That's why I strongly recommend that you all review this blog post​ from Affinity HR Group about what to…

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Comp Rating Board Clarifies Classification Rules for Marinas, Telecommuters

​The New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board has announced a rule change that clarifies which operations should and should not be assigned to the marina classifications. The board also made the telecommuter classification more specific. If you provide Workers' Compensation insurance for these types of operations, you may want to inform your clients.The New York Workers' Compensation Manual has two classifications for marinas - code 6826F for employers subject to the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Act, and code 6836 for employers who are subject only to the New York Workers' Comp law. The new rules clarify that these classifications apply to employers that have "boat…

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Comp Rating Board Excludes COVID Losses From Experience, Merit Rating

​Employers will not face higher Workers' Compensation insurance premiums because of losses related to COVID-19, according to recent announcements by the New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board​. The board said that it had received approval from the state Department of Financial Services for a rule change that will exclude from the Merit Rating Plan calculation "all claims attributable to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic​." This follows an earlier move to exclude these claims from the Experience Rating Plan calculation. At the time, the board said, "The occurrence of COVID-19 workers’ compensation claims is unlikely to be a predictor of future claim costs incurred by an employer, and therefore their…

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