Module Maniac

Today in the office I explored the platform a bit more on my own and started to set up a module. Later in the day I had a meeting where we learned about the creative aspects of the LMS more. The company walked us through template options and helped us with the design aspects of the platform. We got to ask questions and gain a reference point for any questions or advice we may need when adjusting to the platform. It's beneficial to be able to see how another company is onboarding us when one of my main projects is focused on onboarding people for…

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Template Tuesday

Today we got to enter into the LMS and check out the features for ourselves. There are a lot of templates we have access to and from looking at them there are so many ways to learn. Making learning more interactive and less dull is a top priority for this system and the ways in which we can implement the information really mixes it up. There are wheels, videos, multiple choice, fill in the blank and some other buttons to add into photos we already have. I'm excited to put the plans I've made into action with this system. Being able to see the ideas…

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Video Killed the Radio Star!

Today's work revolved around potential videos that are going to be made regarding our onboarding process. Big I is making an effort to become more modernized and being able to onboard people from a remote location is part of that. Having these videos will allow for the members to learn about the organization and the different departments on their own time in a quick and easy way. Hopefully this will result in more efficient meetings and new ideas being discussed.  Audio isn't enough anymore we like to learn visually. Making videos similar to these ones are among the things I learn at Ithaca in the Television Radio…

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