Big I NY Meets with Top NY Insurance Regulator on Dire Market Conditions

​What Happened:On October 2nd, Big I NY's senior leaders met with the state's top insurance regulator to discuss the alarming state of the insurance market. Ted Walsh, Big I NY's Chair of the Board and David Bodenstein, Vice Chair, joined by Lisa Lounsbury and Scott Hobson traveled to the NYS Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) headquarters in NYC to meet with John Finston, Executive Deputy Superintendent of Insurance, and Ellen Buxbaum, Director of Producer Supervision. In the meeting, we issued a dire warning – if the present trends continue, New York is headed for a crisis of availability.​Why it Matters:As the top official in the NYSDFS's…

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End of Session Update: Four Bills Affecting Your Agency That May Soon Become Law

This week, the New York State legislature adjourned until January of 2024. The legislature passed thousands of bills, including several that will have impacts for your agency. Big I New York actively lobbied on these issues and we are pleased that two of our highest priority bills have passed the legislature and will soon be sent to the governor for action.Photo Inspection ReformWhat the Bill Does: Allow insurance companies to waive CARCO inspections​ for the next four years. After four years the change will sunset and photo inspections will again be required, unless the bill is extended or further modified.What it Means for You: This bill…

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Big “I” Legislative Conference Recap

 More than 20 Big I NY members traveled to Washington, DC on April 26-27 for the Big I National Legislative Conference.  They had a total of 13 meetings with members of Congress to discuss federal issues impacting independent agents and their clients including small business tax credits, national prohibition of most non-compete agreements, National Flood Insurance Program and others.  The weather was perfect and many found a bit of time to take in the sights, including a group tour of the Capitol.  Big I NY is the voice of independent agencies in New York!  ​Source

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