NYS Budget Update

​The New York State Legislature approved an abridged 2020-21 state budget on April 2. The budget did not include the types of policy changes lawmakers have customarily added in other years. For insurance agents and brokers, this means the proposal to expand the powers of the Department of Financial Services were not part of the final product. Big I New York members argued strenuously against this proposal on Advocacy Day in Albany last month. The proposal’s failure is a testament to their persistence.​ Source

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Free IIABA Webinar: CARES Act SBA Small Business Lending Solutions

​As part of the CARES ACT recently approved by Congress, $350 billion will be available through various SBA lending programs to help small businesses – like your agency and those of your clients – survive and recover from losses suffered during the COVID-19 crisis. The new Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is designed to help cover your short-term operating expenses so you can remain open and keep your local economies thriving. InsurBanc, recognized as a Preferred Lender by the U.S. Small Business Administration, is prepared to work with eligible businesses to obtain the emergency financing offered through the PPP. InsurBanc President & CEO Dave Tralka recorded…

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Keeping Zoom Secure – How to Stay Cyber-Savvy When Working Remotely

by Andrew Frisbie, Chief Information Security Officer at LCG-LLC​ ​Zoom is a popular cloud communications application that is front-and-center in the COVID-19 response as we all shift to working from home. With all the attention, Zoom has been a popular topic of discussion amongst cybersecurity professionals and a popular target of bad actors. Here are two very current issues that many media outlets are writing about: March 30, 2020 – Zoom Bombing Attacks The FBI issued a warning of ongoing “Zoom-bombing attacks” on video meetings. “Zoom Bombing” occurs when an unscrupulous individual joins a Zoom video conference for the purpose of disrupting it. Zoom-Bombing has been…

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