DFS Stepping Up Enforcement of New Auto Business Notification Requirement:

​Recently, the NYS Department of Financial Services informed representatives of the insurance industry that the Department will significantly step up enforcement of the requirement that carriers notify DMV of new auto insurance business (NBS) within seven days of the issuance of the policy. The DFS’s position can best be characterized as “zero tolerance” for late reporting. Big I NY, along with insurance carriers and their trade associations, have been regularly engaged with DMV and DFS regarding NBS compliance over the past several years. The DFS’s aggressive enforcement posture marks a significant development which will have impacts across New York’s auto insurance space.   At this stage,…

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On Mary’s Mind – Until We Meet Again

​By Mary Byrnes​, AAI-M, AU​, Education Department On the eve of my last day with Big I New York rapidly approaching on November 7th, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to leave you with one last challenge. Thinking back on a few decades in insurance, it has come to mind how truly blessed I have been to have been mentored by some wonderful people.  Perhaps you might have known them. Bill Caryl of Caryl & Murray (RIP)-This was my first agency position.  Whether it was asking to take the brokers licensing course, take the AAI course series, try my hand at sales, or whatever, Bill was not…

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Oktoberfest 2019 Recap

Big I TriCounty’s Oktoberfest, October 3, 2019 Judging by the enthusiastic crowd, the rain didn’t hinder our once-a-year event at Plattduetsche Park in the least. As usual, the food was terrific, and the beer flowed as did animated conversations throughout the evening. Our raffle prizes were very popular and the 50/50 almost sold out. Thank you to Mike Witkowski who donated half of his 50/50 winnings back to the evening’s cause - Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk. Jeanne Abatelli who was responsible for putting this event together will also make her 6th annual walk for breast cancer in California next month. Congratulations Jeanne! Thanks also…

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