On Our Mind…2021 To-Do List

By Sue Keegan​, AIC, MBA, Learning & Development ManagerWell, just like that, 2020, mercifully, is coming to an end. It's hard to believe, but we are closing in on a new year. I love everything about a new year. A chance to right my wrongs, to make my resolutions, to create my list of things I want to accomplish. I am a list person. I have a list for everything:  Netflix shows to binge, books to read, and on and on and on.  Let me clear something up right now. Just because I'm a list maker doesn't necessarily mean I am an accomplisher of the tasks on my list. Maybe I can turn…

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On Our Mind…Loving Up Your Tean

​“Teamwork makes the dream work."  “There's no I in team." Every person in your office (the 2020 version of an office) is on the same team with the same goal: helping customers, the community, and supporting their family. In order to succeed, everyone needs to be their best. You can help each other by supporting and loving up your team. Here are three easy ways agency leaders can do this:​​​TimeTake the time to show a team member a new program or skill. Let them block off time on the calendar, close their doors, and put their phone on do not disturb when taking CE webinars or attending a…

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