Agency Staff Not Eligible for Early COVID-19 Vaccinations

​Some Big I New York members have asked us whether insurance agents are eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations in Phase 1b of the distribution plan. The answer appears to be no.The New York State COVID vaccine web page contains a long list describing New Yorkers eligible for vaccinations in Phases 1a and 1b​. The list includes health care workers; individuals over age 65; first responders; corrections officers; in-person college instructors; those working in schools (pre-school and grades K through 12); grocery store workers; childcare workers; public transit workers; and individuals living and working in homeless shelters. It does not appear that insurance agency staff qualify under any…

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On Our Mind…When Quality Matters

​By Sue Keegan , AIC, MBA, Learning & Development Manager I wanted to write a bit about when quality matters but then I got to thinking about those three words, and I couldn't help but wonder, well when the heck doesn't it matter? Or do we think now of quality more as it doesn't really matter until it matters. That's a dangerous approach, I think.  I'm reminded of my days in claims when the only thing coming between a settlement check and a denial was a missed endorsement or a simple typo or an incorrectly completed application or ignored legal paperwork. There is no better time than the…

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