On Our Mind… Can Complacency Could Lead to Mistakes and E&O Exposures?

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it “ is the slogan of the complacent, the arrogant or the scared. It’s an excuse for inaction, a call to non-arms”……..Colin Powell​​​​As I was preparing to write this week’s note, I came across the above quote. Boy does it apply to our “new normal”. It would be very easy to get complacent these days- it would be easy to take short cuts or just mail it in as my Dad used to say. Well, complacency could lead to mistakes, errors and omissions.. What a great time to look at your agency’s operations, procedures and protocols. We have our annual E+O…

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On Our Mind: The Power of Positivity

​​By Jim Lombardo, CPCU, AAI, AIM, MBA, AVP of Learning & Development​ “A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.” -- Elbert Hubbard I had a “heart to heart” talk with my daughter recently - she is at a stage in her personal and professional life where things just aren’t synching for her...she is depressed, frustrated and not very motivated. I told her I absolutely understood and agreed that these are crazy times and everything seems like we are just stuck in a rut…. BUT I also said to her, this is something we will always…

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On Our Mind: The Time to be a Leader

​​By Jim Lombardo, CPCU, AAI, AIM, MBA, AVP of Learning & Development​ Well, not much to say here except I might suggest, if you haven’t seen Groundhog Day starting Bill Murray, you might want to… During these crazy times, we look to our leaders for guidance, example, wisdom and just a simple show of strength. We WANT our leaders to lead, right? I am reminded of a wise adage from the former CEO of GE- Jack Welch…he once opined, “ Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” So I have to ask…

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