On Our Mind…15inONE CE!

By Sue Keegan, AIC, MBA, Learning & Development CoordinatorThere are not too many things better than working from home in your shorts and tee-shirt.  One that comes to mind, though, is getting 15 CE credits while at home and in your shorts and tee-shirt.  I am so proud and excited to tell you about our new 15inONE CE Program!  The creation of this program was my first chance at Big I to see something from start to finish, and it's been amazing.   I had no idea how many people, how many ideas, how many hours, and how many meetings it takes to successfully launch a program.  Our…

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On Our Mind….Coming Attractions

​​By Jim Lombardo, CPCU, AAI, AIM, MBA, AVP of Learning & DevelopmentWhen I was younger I used to love going to the movies and watching “The Coming Attractions!"  Ok, yes, this was in the pre-Netflix and Hulu era.Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some coming attractions here at the Big I NY, specifically what we have cooking in the Education Department.15 in One- Hybrid self-study PackageGet your required 15 CE credits by studying a text book, passing a simple quiz, and watching a webinar. All at your pace.Property and Casualty Pre-Licensing Course Yes, Big I NY is now an approved NYS Pre-Licensing Provider.  We…

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On Our Mind… A Preview of CE This Fall

By Sue Keegan, AIC, MBA, Learning & Development CoordinatorJust like a lot of people, I am missing going to the movies.  I love all of it.  The popcorn, the reclining seats, the actual movie and the previews.  I love the previews.  I wanted to take this opportunity to offer you some Big I NY education previews.  We have some great classes coming up and some great opportunities for you to obtain CE credits.  Also, in case you were not aware, the DFS has extended “the suspension of the requirement that a monitor be present to complete producer continuing education and pre-licensing course exams online for…

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