On Our Mind…Learning to Thrive

By Sue Keegan, AIC, MBA, Learning & Development CoordinatorMy daughter has a dream catcher in her room, hanging over her bed.  Legend says good dreams pass through the dream catcher to the sleeping child and bad dreams are warded off.  A dream catcher is a good luck charm that absorbs positive energy while repelling negative energy.  My daughter was a true believer in this legend when she was younger.  She's sixteen now, and although we haven't talked about it in forever, that dream catcher remains on her wall.  She has approached COVID-19 with such a positive attitude that I almost think there is something to be said about the…

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On Our Mind…New Opportunity

By Sue Keegan, AIC, MBA, Learning & Development CoordinatorThey say we are living in a new world; that we have a new normal.  Life seems and feels really strange right now.  Looking for the silver lining has become important to me.  And guess what?  I found it!During this, the craziest of times, I was hired by Big I NY.  To long story short it, my background is in claims.  I worked for the same company for almost 30 years.  They closed their NY office at the end of last year.  On my last day, as I was literally heading out the door, I ran into…

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On Our Mind…What it Means to Be Independent

​​By Jim Lombardo, CPCU, AAI, AIM, MBA, AVP of Learning & DevelopmentAhhh to be “independent."Dictionary.com defines it as:not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneselfnot subject to another's authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; freenot influenced by the thought or action of othersnot dependent; not depending or contingent upon something else for existence, operation, etc.​You are an independent insurance agent!  You have the freedom to do what is best for your customer.  It is a tremendous benefit that comes with an equally tremendous responsibility.  Of course, price is important, but you have the opportunity to offer ANY company your agency…

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